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Another Day, Another Task Check!

Some ideas for Referees on Task Checks...

Here are the most common checks on a dungeon crawl.

Picking Locks- Difficulty levels...

Simple lock found on most doors......................................................................................... 6

This would be a lock found on most dungeon doors, or in the houses of most dwellings in towns. Peasant huts won't have locks.

Elaborate, complicated lock................................................................................................. 8

These would be found on expensive chests or on the doors of upper class houses, or perhaps in a dungeon protecting a valuable item.

Master Lock..........................................................................................................................12

This lock would only be found on doors or chests protecting a king or a singular treasure

of immense value. These generally require a Master Thief to pick as they are made by a master craftsman.

Advantages and Disadvantages for picking locks.


Remember that Mythic Heroes allows a Task Check against a Prime Attribute to be counted as an Advantage. So, Rogues will automatically receive an advantage!

Prime Attribute (Dx)

Lock Picks

The manufacturing drawing for the lock (a possible side-quest in itself!)

Days of practice with this exact type of lock

The presence of the actual lock maker himself (another possible side-quest)


Some Referees will despair of the advantages that players may claim. Here is some help to balance that check!

Low Light (A thief's work is done at night... dungeons are dark)- One torch doesn't count!

Loud Noises ( A combat is occurring or perhaps a monster is roaring!)

Time Pressure (The party is being chased or a combat is ensuing!)

Must Remain Silent! (Can't attract the owners!)

Dwarf Made Lock (Dwarves are tricky craftsman and have exacting standards!)

Breaking Open Doors- Difficulty Levels...

Standard Dungeon or Town Door...........................................................................................6

Peasant Hut doors don't require a check.

Heavy Fortified Door...............................................................................................................8

A door that you would find in a Castle or protecting a valuable person or object. Only a strong character has a chance hear

Massive Stone or Iron Door..................................................................................................12

These doors would only be found in very special areas- protecting Nobles or perhaps

a great treasure or on the outside of a fortification. Only a character with magically enhanced strength can break these doors... or perhaps their giant ally!

Advantages and Disadvantages for breaking open doors.


Prime Attribute (St)

Aid of one other individual (more than one doesn't count- most doors are too small)

Improvised Battering Ram ( a real Battering Ram will need to be adjudicated by the Ref!)

Barbarian Berserking


An iron reinforced door

Being supported by a monster on the other side!

Being supported by a 2nd monster on the other side!

A Dwarven crafted door (only the finest!)

Under time pressure

Search for Traps- Difficulty Levels...

Simple Trap Door or Poison Needle Lock Trap........................................................................6

These are standard Traps setup by simple craftsmen

Complicated Triggered Trap or Poison Gas Lock....................................................................8

These are built by higher level Thieves... err Engineers...Rogues!

Rube Goldberg Contraption Traps.........................................................................................12

Generally designed by evil Magic Users for only the most diabolical reasons!

Advantages and Disadvantages for finding traps.


Prime Attribute (Ws)

Plenty of Time to Search

Pre-Knowledge of the existence of the trap! (A possible side-quest!)


Time Pressure (There is a fight occurring or someone is coming!)

A Dwarven Made Trap (Damn them!)

Poor/No lighting (in the dark or by a single torch is difficult!)

Search of Secret Doors...

Standard secret door made by human craftsmen...................................................................6

The usual found in a castle or dungeon

Master Crafted secret door or one made by Dwarves for Humans.........................................8

Only the richest can afford these.

Doors of Destiny!....................................................................................................................12

Doors made to guard the most valuable Dwarven or Elven ( yes Elves can make these!) treasures. Also, these can be designed by high level Magic Users. These doors can only be found by high level Rogues or by those that have special knowledge.

Advantages and Disadvantages for finding secret doors.


Prime Attribute (Ws)

Extra time searching

Elf or Dwarf searching

Pre-Knowledge that the door exists


Time Pressure

Bad light

Further Global Disadvantages for all these checks may be- Exhaustion, Hunger, Intoxication (Yep), and Confusion.

Remember- Dwarves and Elves have their own racial bonuses and abilities when finding traps and secret doors. It is good to be one of the Elder Races! (sometimes...)

These are just a few ideas to help with Task Checks. The idea is to get the players to think and Role-Play the advantages. This can often lead to players creating their own adventures and plot lines. A good Referee can take advantage of this and add depth and context to the narrative. Also remember that the highest level Difficulty is unreachable without magic to most characters. A Master Thief (Rogue) can perhaps master some of the challenges, but other characters and other types of challenges will be out of reach without special magic. This of course can generate another adventure thread all on its own. Use them carefully.

Fight On!

Joe Collins

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