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The Lance

The Lance

The first RPGs in the 70s focused on the dungeon crawl. The dungeon crawl theme was an easy way to produce and control a narrative. As early RPGs had storytelling as their core appeal, this made great sense and helped to cement the popularity of the game. Dungeon explorations are by nature done on foot. This seemed to fit well with the mass of existing fantasy stories. One, however, cannot forever deny the root from which RPGs sprang- Medieval Wargaming- with its charging knights winning battles atop great warhorses. Referees quickly expanded their campaigns beyond the simple dungeon crawl back into the open field. Thus, to follow suit, we need to add some rules to Mythic Heroes & Legends for the new Knight class using the iconic heavy lance.

The lance has a storied history. Ancient warfare featured mainly the use of the javelin from horseback. The lack of stirrups limited the options for the warrior atop a mount. A spear used in a mounted charge was difficult to wield. The impact of such a weapon when striking an enemy required the rider to have great skill and training, else, they would be knocked off their mount regardless of the devastating effect on their enemies. The Macedonians seem to be early solvers of this problem. Using the heavy Xyston spear in both hands they were able to charge en masse with great shock value. The lack of stirrups however still required that the riders have the highest equestrian skills and probably special saddles. Further, even the highest skilled riders could not wield the Xyston, control the horse, and use a protective shield all at the same time.

The balance of protection versus the shock value of a lance charge swung to-and-fro. The Macedonians in Greece eventually moved back to javelin & shield armed cavalry after Alexander. Many of Alex’s successors, however, kept lance armed cavalry for their higher shock value over javelin armed cavalry. The advent of the stirrup finally decided the situation.

The invention of the stirrup greatly eased the chore of riding a horse. Riders required much less training and physical strength with the use of the stirrup. The spear became the weapon of choice as a warrior on horseback using stirrups could wield one while at the same time using a shield for defense and controlling the horse. Spears gradually began to be made heavier for greater impact. In their final form, they were useful only used underhand moving at great speed. This was the birth of the lance.

For Mythic, Heroes and Legends…

Weapon: Lance

Damage: Normal/Heavy

Special: Normal damage if the rider is stationary or moving at a walk. Heavy damage if moving faster.

Weight: 15

Cost: 20

The use of a Lance precludes the use of a shield unless the rider has special training. It is a two-handed weapon. Only Knight characters can use a lance and a shield at the same time.

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